Robotic Lawn Mower Husqvarna Automower AM305
  • Robotic Lawn Mower Husqvarna Automower AM305
  • Excellent cutting result
Thanks to the free movement pattern of Husqvarna Automower® the lawn is perfectly cut, achieving a beautiful and carpet-like look. The razor-sharp blades cut the grass gently from all directions, helping it to grow strong. Moss growth is effectively prevented.
  • Easy cleaning
You can wash the exterior and underneath of the robotic mower with a garden hose. By using the attached maintenance tool, the cover can easily be removed, for easy cleaning and reachability everywhere.
  • Silent
Thanks to its unique cutting system, Automower® works extremely discreet and quiet and just when you want.
  • Unique cutting system
Husqvarna Automower® cuts just a little but frequently, which assures a nice and healthy lawn. It is equipped with sharp razor-like blades made of strong carbon steel mounted on a robust cutting disc system. This provides for efficient operation and extremely low energy consumption.
  • Large coarse-tread wheels provide excellent traction even if the surface is slippery. The mower handles slopes up to 40%.
  • Theft protection by alarm/PIN code
Different level theft protection for high security. If the mower carried away a high-sounding alarm starts and can only be deactivated with the mower's unique PIN code.
  • Automatic passage handling - PATENTED
Husqvarna Automower® automatically senses narrow passages and finds its way even through the smallest passages. It will vary its route through the passage to avoid unpleasant tracks.
  • Weather proof
Automower® can be outside around the clock and is designed to function properly and unattended regardless of the weather conditions. Automower® is built to withstand the harsh Nordic climate without any problems.
  • Automatic charging
When Automower® needs more power, it finds its own way back to the charging station.

Robotic Lawn Mower Husqvarna Automower AM305


Husqvarna Automower® 305 features a compact design and is ideal for smaller, complex gardens up to 600 m2, easily handling slopes with an incline of 40%. 

Tax included


Security policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)


Delivery policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)


Return policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)


Husqvarna Automower® 305 features a compact design and is ideal for smaller, complex gardens up to 600 m2, easily handling slopes with an incline of 40%. The four-wheel platform together with systematic passage handling provide effective operation, and the triple-search function facilitates the fastest way home to the charging station. Equipped with weather timer, frost guard and Automower® Connect@Home. Easily cleaned and washed off with a hose.

Technical specification

Data sheet

Working area capacity (±20%)
600 m²
Information panel
LCD Display with Settings menu
Battery power
2.1 Ah
Typical charging time
60 min
Typical mow time on one charge
70 min
Power consumption during mowing
25 W
Charging system
Cutting height min-max
20 - 50mm
Cutting system
3 Rotating Cutting Knives
Sound level Guaranteed
58 dB(A)
Maximum incline within the working area
40 %
9.4 kg

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Robotic Lawn Mower Husqvarna Automower AM305

Robotic Lawn Mower Husqvarna Automower AM305

Husqvarna Automower® 305 features a compact design and is ideal for smaller, complex gardens up to 600 m2, easily handling slopes with an incline of 40%. 

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