Reference: 578446001
Brand: Husqvarna
Trimmer head T25 3/8 R
Exclusively designed by Husqvarna the T25 trimmer head features a semi-automatic cord feed system which we also call Tap’n go.
Īpaša dizaina Husqvarna T45X trimmera spole ar pusautomātiskās auklas padeves sistēmas īpašībām, kas ar tiek dēvēta par Tap'n go funkciju, un lodīšu gultņa balsta virsmu.
Droši pirkumi
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14 dienu preču atgriešana
Īpaša dizaina Husqvarna T45X trimmera spole ar pusautomātiskās auklas padeves sistēmas īpašībām, kas ar tiek dēvēta par Tap'n go funkciju, un lodīšu gultņa balsta virsmu. Aukla tiek padota automātiski, atspiežot trimmera spoli pret zemi. Tas nozīmē, kad lietotājs vienmēr var kontrolēt to, kad aukla tiek padota, un auklu iespējams padot arī vienlaicīgi darbojoties ar iekārtu. Nav nepieciešams izslēgt iekārtu un noāķēt no uzkabes, kamēr notiek auklas padošana.
Reference: 578446001
Brand: Husqvarna
Exclusively designed by Husqvarna the T25 trimmer head features a semi-automatic cord feed system which we also call Tap’n go.
Reference: 597669210
Brand: Husqvarna
Trimmer line CORE CUT has been developed using new materials and offers the same unique characteristics of standard CORE CUT in respect of noise levels.
Reference: 597669221
Brand: Husqvarna
Trimmer line CORE CUT has been developed using new materials and offers the same unique characteristics of standard CORE CUT in respect of noise levels.
Reference: 578446301
Brand: Husqvarna
Exclusively designed by Husqvarna the T35 trimmer head features a semi-automatic cord feed system which we also call Tap’n go.
Reference: 578444701
Brand: Husqvarna
For dense, coarse grass, but not for woody growth.
Reference: 578449701
Brand: Husqvarna
The Balance X Harness distributes the load across a large area for added comfort. The harness has a wide and ventilated back plate and wide shoulder pads.
Reference: 546380601
Brand: Husqvarna
For dense, and heavy grass, but not for woody growth. Perfect to use when clearing undergrowth.
Reference: 597469001
Brand: Husqvarna
Efficient and durable with a tooth design that gives a smooth cut and reduces the risk of the blade getting pinched in the wood
Reference: 578445101
Brand: Husqvarna
For dense, tough grass and for weed.
Reference: 578446401
Brand: Husqvarna
Exclusively designed by Husqvarna the T35 trimmer head features a semi-automatic cord feed system which we also call Tap’n go.
Reference: 597669230
Brand: Husqvarna
Trimmer line CORE CUT has been developed using new materials and offers the same unique characteristics of standard CORE CUT in respect of noise levels.
Reference: 597669240
Brand: Husqvarna
Professional trimmer line with a pentagon profile. Perfect combination of energy efficiency and cutting performance.
Reference: 597669220
Brand: Husqvarna
Trimmer line CORE CUT has been developed using new materials and offers the same unique characteristics of standard CORE CUT in respect of noise levels.
Reference: 536253401
Brand: Husqvarna
Husqvarna Balance XT2 harness is designed for full-time brushcutting and forestry clearing work, providing maximum ergonomic comfort.
Reference: 597669211
Brand: Husqvarna
Trimmer line CORE CUT has been developed using new materials and offers the same unique characteristics of standard CORE CUT in respect of noise levels.
Reference: 597669231
Brand: Husqvarna
Professional trimmer line with a pentagon profile. Perfect combination of energy efficiency and cutting performance.
Īpaša dizaina Husqvarna T45X trimmera spole ar pusautomātiskās auklas padeves sistēmas īpašībām, kas ar tiek dēvēta par Tap'n go funkciju, un lodīšu gultņa balsta virsmu.