Reference: 547929804
Brand: Husqvarna
Two stroke oil, XP Synthetic 10L
Husqvarna’s fully synthetic and biodegradable (64% acc OESD301B) XP Synthetic 2-stroke oil is developed for tough use with high loads and engine speed.
Šī "Low Smoke" eļļa ir minerālās un sintētiskās eļļas maisījums, kas rada mazāk izplūdes gāzes, bet nodrošina teicamu eļļošanu augstas noslodzes dzinēja detaļām, piemēram dzinēja kloķvārpstai.
Droši pirkumi
Ātra piegāde
14 dienu preču atgriešana
Šī "Low Smoke" eļļa ir minerālās un sintētiskās eļļas maisījums, kas rada mazāk izplūdes gāzes, bet nodrošina teicamu eļļošanu augstas noslodzes dzinēja detaļām, piemēram dzinēja kloķvārpstai. Formula, ko izmanto "Low Smoke" eļļas izgatavošanā, nodrošina ļoti labu aizsardzību pret virzuļa noķīlēšanos, kas var izveidoties sakarā ar liesinātājmateriāliem vai oglekļa daudzumu. Eļļa piemērota ķēdes zāģiem un meža tīrīšanas zāģiem ar cilindra tilpumu līdz 55 kubikcentimetriem. Šai eļļai ir ļoti zemi izmeši, kas ir īpaši svarīgi, ja produkts tiek bieži izmantots intensīvas apbūves teritorijās, tāpat tā nodrošina zemāku dzinēja temperatūru, kas pagarina tā dzīves ciklu.
Reference: 547929804
Brand: Husqvarna
Husqvarna’s fully synthetic and biodegradable (64% acc OESD301B) XP Synthetic 2-stroke oil is developed for tough use with high loads and engine speed.
Reference: 536944801
Brand: Husqvarna
With the versatility to accommodate most chainsaws, this durable PP plastic base delivers the heavy-duty protection you need for safer and cleaner transport and storage of your chainsaw – greatly reducing the risk of oil spills or dust leaks in your car or garage.
Reference: 597687004
Brand: Husqvarna
Fully synthetic transmission engine oil that is specially developed for the transmission in Husqvarna’s AWD vehicles.
Reference: 586110501
Brand: Husqvarna
Oil spout with optimised flow and autostop function to be used for combi can 5+2,5 l.
Reference: 536944802
Brand: Husqvarna
With the versatility to accommodate most chainsaws, this durable PP plastic base delivers the heavy-duty protection you need for safer and cleaner transport and storage of your chainsaw – greatly reducing the risk of oil spills or dust leaks in your car or garage.
Reference: 578180303
Brand: Husqvarna
Husqvarna’s fully synthetic and biodegradable (64% acc OESD301B) XP Synthetic 2-stroke oil is developed for tough use with high loads and engine speed.
Reference: 587808540
Brand: Husqvarna
Designed to meet all the tough challenges 2-stroke engine oil can encounter Husqvarna HP 2-stroke oil is also formulated to work well with low-quality fuels.
Reference: 578180302
Brand: Husqvarna
The Low Smoke+ oil is a mix of mineral- and synthetic oils. It gives off very little smoke and has extremely good lubrication qualities on high load engine details, like for instance the connecting rod bearing.
Reference: 502512701
Brand: Husqvarna
For general greasing purposes.
Reference: 578037102
Brand: Husqvarna
The Low Smoke+ oil is a mix of mineral- and synthetic oils. It gives off very little smoke and has extremely good lubrication qualities on high load engine details, like for instance the connecting rod bearing.
Reference: 531009248
Brand: Husqvarna
Washes off with soap and water. Provides efficient collection and binding of particles in the filter, for a cleaner engine and less wear.
Reference: 577419702
Brand: Husqvarna
High quality engine oil for all 4-stroke garden equipment.
Reference: 587808511
Brand: Husqvarna
Designed to meet all the tough challenges 2-stroke engine oil can encounter Husqvarna HP 2-stroke oil is also formulated to work well with low-quality fuels.
Reference: 505698000
Brand: Husqvarna
Our redesigned Combi Can enables you to refuel quickly without splash effects or any waste.
Šī "Low Smoke" eļļa ir minerālās un sintētiskās eļļas maisījums, kas rada mazāk izplūdes gāzes, bet nodrošina teicamu eļļošanu augstas noslodzes dzinēja detaļām, piemēram dzinēja kloķvārpstai.