Reference: 967796203
Brand: Husqvarna
Leaf Blowers 340IBT Husqvarna
Experience battery-powered outdoor cleaning with low levels of noise and vibrations with this well-balanced backpack leaf blower.
Izbaudiet jaudas un komforta kombināciju ar Husqvarna 230iB lapu pūtēju.
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14 dienu preču atgriešana
Izbaudiet jaudas un komforta kombināciju ar Husqvarna 230iB lapu pūtēju. Ar savā klasē vadošo pūšanas spēku un mazo svaru šis akumulatora pūtējs viegli pārvieto lapas un gružus. Viegli manevrējams, ērti lietojams ar tā ergonomisko un līdzsvaroto dizainu. Pūtēju ir viegli pielāgot dažādiem uzdevumiem, pateicoties mainīga ātruma regulēšanai, kruīza kontrolei un jaudas pastiprināšanas režīmam, kas vajadzības gadījumā nodrošina papildu jaudu. Aprīkots ar bezsuku motoru - labāka efektivitāte, zemāks troksnis un mazāk apkopju.
Reference: 967796203
Brand: Husqvarna
Experience battery-powered outdoor cleaning with low levels of noise and vibrations with this well-balanced backpack leaf blower.
Reference: 967991001
Brand: Husqvarna
Husqvarna 325IB is a lightweight and easy-to-use battery-powered blower for small and medium gardens.
Reference: 967915503
Brand: Husqvarna
Husqvarna 525IB Mark II is a lightweight and easy-to-use battery-powered blower for small and medium gardens.
Reference: 967976101
Brand: Husqvarna
Husqvarna 120iB is a lightweight and easy-to-use battery-powered blower for small and medium gardens.
Reference: 970649804
Brand: Husqvarna
Tackle leaves with the multi-purpose and multi-speed 120iBV cordless leaf blower.
Reference: 970744301
Brand: Husqvarna
Experience the ideal combination of power and comfort with the Husqvarna 230iB.
Reference: 970649802
Brand: Husqvarna
Tackle leaves with the multi-purpose and multi-speed 120iBV cordless leaf blower.
Reference: 967976102
Brand: Husqvarna
Husqvarna 120iB is a lightweight and easy-to-use battery-powered blower for small and medium gardens.